When we talk about battle royale, we cannot ignore Apex Legends. It’s a fine mix of Overwatch and Fortnite created by EA games. It’s a common thing in games now to a roster of characters to pick from, Exhibit A, Valorant and Overwatch.

You can have previous experience, or you might be a new player. In either case, it can be a little challenging to get comfortable when playing a new multiplayer game. There are over 21 characters currently in Apex Legends. It might be an overwhelming no. of characters to choose from for a new player.

People can and should try all legends in the game to check with whom they are more comfortable. This process is a bit time-consuming and lengthy. There few questions that as new player you should ask like How easy is it to use this legend?, How effective this legend is? and What core aspects of the game does this legend helps to learn or practice.

For that reason, this article will help you pick up a better character for beginners and can enjoy game in your initial journey

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Top 5 beginner-friendly characters in Apex Legends


The game has featured Bloodhound as a character ever since it was first released. His abilities are easy to use and it helps your team. His primary objective is to acquire intelligence because his tactical ability, Eye of the Allfather, makes it easier to see where adjacent opponents are located. Since pushing into buildings in Apex Legends may be extremely daunting, this skill is helpful for new players.

His passive skill, “Tracker,” displays an opponent’s footsteps and informs the squad of where they are most likely to be. His Ultimate Ability, “Beast of the Hunt,” quickens his pace while also transforming him into a hunter. The opponents are identified in red as the screen goes black and white.

On top of all things, Bloodhound works tremendously in higher ranks too. So, it will be an added benefit if players start playing and master this agent in beginning.


Bangalore is a quite balanced legend. You’re getting a little bit of both since her attacking and defensive skills complement one another. Her passive ability, Double time lets you move faster if you are getting shot. It is a great way to escape and also makes opponents lose their aim. Of course, if you’re aiming at them or standing motionless, this is useless. Your ability to survive is greatly increased if you use it to swiftly change positions, such as sprinting around a rock after getting shot.

Her Tactical ability, Double time, helps her cover herself and her team by creating a smoke screen.Her Ultimate Ability, Rolling Thunder, launches an artillery strike that successfully kills anybody in its path while just covering a small area. It is a great tool to clear an area.

If you have played shooter games in the past and can play aggressively then you should try this Legend in Apex Legends.


Lifeline is very suitable for new players and is easy to use. She has healing abilities and can help the squad. She is also incredibly helpful for dropping in areas with less ample loot because she has the ability to summon powerful protective gear to give you an advantage.

She can summon D.O.C Heal Drone with her tactical ability which heals nearby teammates. This drone lasts for 20 seconds. Her passive ability allows her to revive allies with her D.O.C. drone, which also deploys a shield for cover as it does so. Her passive ability is quite helpful for inexperienced players because it is simple to utilize and doesn’t require too much tactical thought.

Beginners benefit from Lifeline’s healing emphasis since it teaches them to play carefully and to value backing out of a combat. Having a drone that can heal is also helpful because it requires precise timing to manually heal another player if you don’t want to get pushed.


After the game’s launch, Octane was the first Legend to be added. He is one of the Legends that are easiest for new players to use. Since you have to unlock it by gaining Legends points, he’s lower on the list.

He gains more speed thanks to his tactical skill, but at the expense of several health points. By gradually restoring some health, his passive ability auto-health-regen aids in reversing that health loss. His ultimate ability, Jum Pad, is like a two-edged sword that both makes it possible to engage in combat forcefully and opens up a fast path to escape.

If you like playing aggressively, You can choose octane as your main legend.


Gibraltar is a defensive legend. He has a mortar, a shield that appears as he aims, and the ability to create a protective dome.

His tactical ability Dome of Protection creates a dome that blocks the entry of any kind of projectile or bullet. When he points his down sights, his passive ability Gun shield generates a shield that covers his upper body. His Ultimate Ability, Defensive Bombardment, delivers a cluster strike with damage and stun to a designated area.

As opponents have to play passively against Gibraltar, he’s a solid pick for newer players.

For beginner players, the best choice would be between characters who are easy to master. Therefore, the aforementioned list will help them understand which agent they can opt for depending on their own playstyle.

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