I'm getting so sick of the Daddy issues on this show.   So Jimmy is freaking out that his (what 11 or 12 year old?) daughter is going on a GROUP "date" with other kids.   Instead of maybe reaching out to some of the other parents, he acts like his kid is going to be shanghaied into white slavery or something.    Not quite as over the top as the idiotic way NCIS LA Kenzi/Deeks are portrayed with their 16 year old adopted daughter, but almost.  

The case of the week was okay but got to say that I called the villain from when we met her.   Also laughed at the 99 cent eggs.  

This episode did make me think of a story I heard years ago when dining in an Afghan restaurant with a friend of mine.   My friend was very good at getting people to tell their life stories and she engaged the female co-owner of the restaurant to talk to us about how she wound up on Long Island running the restaurant.  She told us a harrowing story of being a young wife/mother in Afghanistan when the Taliban were coming to power.  Her husband, who was I believe an Engineer, was out of town on business, and she and her young children were living with her in-laws who were wealthy, educated, cultured, and highly regarded in the town where they lived.   One night, the Taliban came to the door and hauled away her father-in-law, who was never seen again.   Her husband came back to the town to get her and the kids (and the Taliban was looking for him) and they came to the US.  They went from being well-to-do people to living in a one bedroom apartment in Queens and her husband drove a cab.  They wound up opening the restaurant that did okay for at least 15 years; it eventually closed after the husband died (he was the main chef).    It was a harrowing story and unfortunately, it sounds as if it's still happening 40 years later.  
