I just binged this show, and enjoyed it. It's not as quirky and funny as Parks and Rec, but I really liked the more serious parts about the complex history of the town. I loved when Reagan re-did the cultural center to add the modern artifacts and the stories behind them, and when she played hardball to get the items from Nathan's aunt, and when she "pulled down the crabs" in the Facebook meeting of people heckling her. I also liked the debate about the student film about the Minishonka made by the white boy.

I like all the characters so far, but want to see a little more self-awareness from Nathan. Bobby is great, but seems more like a college student than a 16-year-old. Terry is definitely my favorite. He's a good guy, but does the intense moments very well, like in the meetings with the lawyers. Love him! (I first saw the actor in a Lifetime movie from about 25 years ago with Janine Turner. He was even more handsome then, and I think I'm probably the only person who owns it on DVD, lol.)

On 5/6/2021 at 7:15 PM, SoMuchTV said:

One thing was confusing me though. Ed Helms’s  character was the last Rutherford living in Rutherford Falls, right? But his brother lives in the house they grew up in, which was apparently a train or plane ride away (based on his arriving in a taxi)? What did I miss? Did the family move away many years ago, then he moved back to their ancestors’ hometown?  I’m disoriented!

From what I understand, Rutherford Falls was founded in the 1600s by Lawrence Rutherford, and Nathan is now the last one in the extended family still living in the town. I don't know if they specify whether or not he grew up in the historical house he lives in now. The house his brother lives in was built in 1821 by some other Rutherford, and has been passed down through the family. Nathan says that he and his brother spent their summers there, so I guess they still lived in Rutherford Falls as kids, and just visited whoever lived in the larger house for vacations, before it was passed on to Nathan's brother. But yeah, it was weird that he arrived by taxi to a house in NJ, when Rutherford Fall is clearly somewhere near NYC (since Josh lives in Brooklyn and goes back and forth so much).

And I could be wrong, but it REALLY looks like the set of the town square is the same one used in Back to the Future.
