The Lincoln Lawyer episode 5 is all about jury selection and, as usual, Trevor is complicating things. He refuses a jury consultant and he demands that Mickey consult with him on every cut and decision regarding the jurors.

A jury consultant might be out, but Mickey has a back-up plan. He enlists an old friend and body language expert (Camilla Arfwedson) to assist him with jury selection. As long as she’s discreet and Trevor doesn’t find out then she can text him her observations to assist Mickey with picking the right jurors.

Maggie has a problem when she arrives at work the next day. Her boss, the district attorney Janelle Simmons (Kim Hawthorne), is feeling the pressure of the race against Robert Cardone. She can’t afford any cases that aren’t airtight and now that David is dead, Maggie’s case against Soto is falling apart. Janelle wants her to drop it, unless she can tie Soto to David’s murder, fast.

Ever since Lankford mentioned Jesús, Mickey has started poking into the old case. He reaches out to one of his contacts on it, a sex worker named Cherry (Amelia Brantley) who helped him get in touch with a fellow sex worker, Gloria Dayton, or “Glory Days,” as she’s known. Gloria was supposed to be the star witness on Mickey’s case for Jesús but she got spooked and didn’t show. That’s why Mickey ended up having to convince Jesús to take a plea deal even though Mickey knew he was innocent.

Now Mickey is looking for Gloria again. If he can find her, he might be able to get Jesús an appeal. Cherry agrees to look into it in exchange for a payout.

Jury selection begins and goes about as well as Trevor and Mickey could have hoped. They agree on most of the challenges and cuts, except one juror. Ultimately, Mickey has to go with Trevor’s wishes.

Meanwhile, Cisco pays a visit to Neema Shavar (Melanie Benz), ex-wife of Anton Shavar (Jonathan Avigdori). Anton is a powerful man who runs a private security firm. Neema was sleeping with Jan and at one point, Anton reportedly threatened Jan with violence to stay away from her. Jan ended up filing for a restraining order. Anton might be the perfect person to poise as a potential suspect besides Trevor. But then Trevor messes things up for them.

One of the jurors, a woman Mickey really wanted as a juror, accuses Trevor of following her to her car. Trevor claims he wasn’t, that he just happened to be looking for his car. But it doesn’t matter now because if she thinks Trevor was trying to intimidate her, it could harm their case, so Mickey is forced to cut her.

If Mickey can introduce a third party, he might be able to convince the jury that Anton is a potential suspect and the police didn’t do a thorough investigation. Now they just need to prove Anton is capable of violence. Cisco does this by vaguely intimidating Neema at a nail salon, which earns him a visit from Anton. Anton threatens Cisco to stay away from Neema, even flashing his gun in the process. Cisco catches it all on video.

On his way out of the courthouse, the Road Saints pull up to see Mickey. The Road Saints are a biker gang that Cisco used to be part of and apparently, Mickey owes them a favor. The leader, Ted Vogul (Chris Browning), requests that Mickey assist with one of their members who got a parole violation.

With David out of the picture, Maggie needs a new witness. She turns to Soto’s pregnant girlfriend, Tanya (Katrina Rosita) and recommends she talk to Mickey to hire him as a lawyer. Maggie doesn’t pull punches. She tells Tanya if she doesn’t cooperate, she could go down with Soto.

Speaking of Maggie, Mickey pays her a visit after everything that happened with David and his murder. Maggie says their almost-kiss shouldn’t have happened and they need to move past it. She also asks him for a favor, which we know will be the Tanya thing.

Back home, Griggs is waiting for Mickey to fill him in on what he found out about the missing money. Quick refresh: while going through Jerry’s files, Mickey and his team discovered over $100k missing from the books. They assumed he purchased a boat, but Griggs says they didn’t find any boat.

In the end of The Lincoln Lawyer episode 5, Griggs also reveals that Bruce’s burner phones revealed he made a delivery the same day that Jerry took out all that cash. So missing money, calls from the feds and the Trevor case is the biggest case of Jerry’s career. There’s a lot of pressure to beat a case like that. What if the money Jerry took out was for a bribe?
