Kehlani shared a sweet message via Instagram to celebrate her daughter Adeya Nomi Parrish turning one. The singer posted a series of her daughter’s baby pictures along with a note telling baby Adeya how much she means to mama Kehlani. The singer also said that her daughter is a genius and will change the world!

The caption reads:

“one entire year of witnessing a wonder of the world. one entire year of unimaginable joy. Adeya Nomi Parrish YoungWhite, on March 23rd 2019 you changed our lives. you completed us by simply existing. you gave life meaning if we ever questioned it having one. i can’t believe i’m typing this. i can’t believe you get to be mine. you have no idea who you are, to me, to your family, to the world. you are going to change the world!!!!!! it’s been a year of beauty, even the tough times were sweet with you. you will never be this teenie tiny again and it’s hard to even remember you this small minkabean so i hope to only savor every tiny moment slower and slower. HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY TO HEAVEN ON EARTH! the genius herself!!!!!”

Adeya’s father is guitarist, Javie Young-White. The two co-parent and planned to have their baby girl, despite their sexual preferences. They are both bisexuals so it works for them. Kehlani once said,

“I started dating women before I ever dated men. Then I was lucky to find a partner who was a bisexual male. And he really understands my queerness and my fluidity, and I really understand his. It’s very awesome to be understood,” she explained.

Take a look at the birthday post:
