The Four of Wands tarot card represents joyous celebrations and family togetherness. This Minor Arcana card should be received with gratitude, as it heralds good fortune, happiness, and stability.

family and gratitude

  • Astrological sign: Aries
  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Venus
  • Key Dates: April 11 to April 20

Visual Elements and Symbolism

The Four of Wands shows a couple dancing and holding bouquets, beneath a flowering wreath held up by four crystal-tipped poles. This joyful scene takes place in front of a luxurious castle. There is a celebration taking place, as other party-goers can be seen in the distance.

The wreath is the more prominent element of this card, looming large above the rest of the scene. Its shape is similar to that of a chuppah, the canopy under which Jewish couples get married, making it a symbol of togetherness and family. The bouquets and the wreath represent prosperity and joy.

Finally, the party and castle symbolize celebration, community, and stability.

The Four of Wands as a Person

A Four of Wands person is full of joy and exuberance. They are usually the ones bringing people together — planning parties and always keeping in touch.

However, that cheerful demeanor can sometimes become a burden, especially when they feel obliged to feign happiness. This makes Four of Wands people prone to hiding feelings of anger or sadness. They should remember that while their joyful spirit is a gift, negative emotions are an unavoidable — and sometimes necessary — part of life.


The Four of Wands Upright

An upright Four of Wands indicates that you are feeling closer to loved ones, and that you are celebrating life together. It can also be a sign that you have reached your goal of becoming part of a prosperous and strong community.

Love and Relationships

In a love reading, the Four of Wands is a sign of security, harmony, and family. You and your partner will live a happy life together and have many children.

In the near future, you and your partner will likely be attending a wedding or a baptism. This will bring you closer to each other.

If you’re single, the Four of Wands is a sign that you should go to as many parties and events as you can. You’re bound to meet a new love interest in that context. This person will be exciting, caring, and extroverted. There will be strong potential for the two of you to build a long-lasting relationship.


Your career is progressing well. You feel confident in your abilities and find meaning in your work. You will soon reach an important milestone — a promotion perhaps, or maybe an industry award. Let your friends and family celebrate your success and allow yourself to feel proud of what you’ve accomplished.


Your finances are in good shape due to your careful planning and goal setting. You should spend this money on your family or use it to enrich your community. Giving back to others will have the twofold effect of making you feel grateful while inspiring you to earn even more money.


The Four of Wands is a great sign for your health. If you’ve been suffering from an illness, trust that you will be returning to full strength soon. This card may also foretell pregnancy.


The Four of Wands Reversed

A reversed Four of Wands represents conflicts at home, discontentment, and instability. As the opposite of an upright Four of Wands, this can also be a sign of celebrations gone wrong.

Love and Relationships

A dark card to get in a love reading, the Four of Wands reversed symbolizes neglect and unhappy family life. You should carefully examine how your partner is treating you. Sometimes love can blind us to the fact that our needs are being ignored. Your relationship is going through a period of tumult, so be careful before making any major life choices.

The Four of Wands can also be a sign of being jilted by a lover. You may be left at the altar or your partner may suddenly decide to leave you. Talk to your partner to make sure you’re on the same page for the future, but steel your heart for the worst.


Things aren’t going great at your job right now. Your work environment is unsupportive and can even feel hostile at times. Gossipy and backstabbing coworkers make it difficult for you to do your job to the best of your abilities.

If you like your job and want the atmosphere to change, try seeing your coworkers outside of regular working hours every now and then. Even having just one friend can make a world of difference. If you don’t like your job, this is a good time to leave and find employment elsewhere.


You don’t have a good grasp on your finances at the moment. Lack of planning and poor organization are causing you great stress.

Much of your overspending is on treats and gifts for your family, allowing you trick yourself into thinking that you aren’t wasting money. Take a step back and realize that your family doesn’t love you because you buy them things, and that financial security is the best gift you can give them. Make a budget and control your spending.


A reversed Four of Wands card is a warning that your health will be taking a turn for the worse. You may be overextending yourself at work or with your family. Be careful — if you keep things up at this rate you’re bound to suffer from a breakdown or anxiety attack.

This card can also be a sign that you will be hospitalized or will need at-home care in the near future.


Your Past, Present and Future

The Four of Wands in the past position is a sign that you’ve been working hard and that your efforts are about to pay off. If you keep pushing forward, you will have a successful career in whatever field you’ve chosen.

In the present position, the Four of Wands means that you’re going through a difficult time and should turn to your friends and family for support. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help, as the Four of Wands symbolizes community and togetherness — people will be eager to help you out.

When found in the future position, the Four of Wands demonstrates that you are on the cusp of achieving something truly meaningful. This could mean starting your own business, tying the knot, or even having a baby. As long as you keep a positive attitude, things will work out for the best.

Important Card Combinations

The Four of Wands gives a positive twist to any card it’s paired with, often turning bad omens into unexpected wins.

Four of Wands and Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords is a sign of endings and loss, but its meaning is less dour when paired with the Four of Wands, where it represents retirement or celebrating the end of a project.

Four of Wands and Lovers

This combination means that engagement and marriage are in your future. Your partner is going to propose or offer you another sign of commitment. In this context, the Lovers tarot card indicates that your union will be long-lasting, bringing pleasure and fulfillment to the both of you.

Four of Wands and Three of Swords

The Three of Swords symbolizes heartbreak. As such, it is one of the most dreaded cards in the deck. When paired with the Four of Wands, however, it becomes a sign that a recent breakup is actually a blessing in disguise. Your separation will allow you to grow into the person you want to be and meet your true soulmate.

Four of Wands and Temperance

You’ve been working towards a goal for a long time and have sacrificed a lot during your journey. This pairing is a sign that you will indeed find success. The Temperance card indicates that you’ve shown a great amount of self-control, and that your hard work and perseverance will pay off soon.

Four of Wands: Yes or No?

The Four of Wands represents joy, success, and new beginnings. It is a resounding yes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Four of Wands mean in a love reading?

What is the reversed Four of Wands’ meaning?

What does the Four of Wands mean in a future reading?

When found in the future position, the Four of Wands demonstrates that you are on the cusp of achieving something truly meaningful.

Is the Four of Wands a yes or no card?
