Dance Dance Dance
Zumba Fitness Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Right hand in the air
Left hand in the air
Everybody in the air
Let's go in the air
R-r-right hand in the air
Left hand in the air
Everybody in the air
Let's go in the air Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Zumba Fitness's song Dance Dance Dance may seem simple and straightforward, but they actually have a deeper meaning. The repeated phrases "right hand in the air" and "left hand in the air" are a call to action, urging listeners to let loose and get moving. The line "everybody in the air" is a unifying statement, encouraging people from all walks of life to come together and dance. The repeated refrain "let's go in the air" is a playful and energetic statement, reinforcing the idea that dancing is all about having fun and letting go.

Ultimately, the lyrics to Dance Dance Dance are all about breaking free and embracing the power of movement. They encourage listeners to let go of their inhibitions and join in a communal experience of joy and freedom. In this way, the song taps into the transformative power of dance, reminding us that sometimes the best thing we can do is just let loose and dance the night away.

Line by Line Meaning

Right hand in the air
Lift your right hand up and get ready to move

Left hand in the air
Lift your left hand up and get ready to dance

Everybody in the air
Get ready to jump and move around with everyone else

Let's go in the air
Get ready to move and have fun while jumping and dancing

R-r-right hand in the air
Get your right hand up even higher and prepare to have fun

Left hand in the air
Lift your left hand up again and keep moving

Everybody in the air
Make sure you're not the only one not jumping and having fun

Let's go in the air
Get ready for a high-energy dance party

Contributed by Kaitlyn R. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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