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The bible symbolises how we view the world.

The Book is a symbol of all other books and denotes the mastery of destiny by an under­standing of natural laws and spiritual principles. It denotes also a writ of authority by which your fortunes will be brought into question for good or ill, according to the attendant indications.

Have you felt jealous of somebody recently? Do you feel that somebody ago save your material possessions? In order to understand the direct meaning of seeing a bible within your tea leaf reading let's now look at the position of the symbol.

Top of cup: if the bible appears in the top position then this indicates that you may find difficulty which will affect your happiness in life. You should guard against any sudden attachments have no real base of flexion.

Rim of teacup: if the bible appears on the rim of the teacup then this is a suggestion that hard work is required in order to gain more knowledge in life.

Middle of teacup: in the middle of the teacup position the beggar is associated with generosity. One will be richly rewarded if they are kind to others. On a more negative front, there is a small risk of deceitful revenge.

Bottom of tea cup: for the bible to appear in the bottom of the tea cup indicates that you are naturally gifted. You may face dramatic time. Again, we go back to the material prosperity and it can suggest that you will have a career doing something you enjoy rather than for the financial gain.
