Ah, a list of mighty boons, for those who walk the path of the fighter, classified into tiers for ease of consideration.


Mighty Boon List

S Tier (Might of Legends)

  • Ability Improvement: Often the bread and butter, enhancing one’s main abilities cannot be overstated.
  • Great Weapon Master: The damage potential and bonus action attacks are tremendously valuable.
  • Lucky: Turning the tide of crucial rolls is invaluable in many scenarios.
  • Sentinel: Control of the battlefield and protection of allies can be vital for frontline fighters.
  • Sharpshooter: An archer’s dream, providing a significant boost in potential damage output.
  • Tough: More health means staying in the fight longer, a staple for front-liners.

A Tier (Battlefield Masters)

  • Alert: Not being surprised and a hefty boost to initiative can set the tone for battles.
  • Crossbow Expert: Vital for crossbow users, allowing for more versatility in combat.
  • Defensive Duellist: Boosting AC in clutch moments can be a lifesaver.
  • Heavy Armor Master: Consistent damage reduction can add up over longer fights.
  • Polearm Master: For those wielding polearms, the bonus action attack and control is fantastic.
  • Shield Master: Combining both offensive and defensive utility, especially for front-liners.
  • War Caster: For eldritch knights or those dabbling in magic, maintaining concentration and gaining a potent reaction attack is key.

B Tier (Tactical Choices)

  • Charger: Grants additional options for those who frequently need to close distances.
  • Dual Wielder: Essential for those choosing the dual-wielding route.
  • Mage Slayer: In magic-heavy campaigns, this can be incredibly powerful.
  • Mobile: Increasing mobility and reducing threat can be excellent in certain scenarios.
  • Resilient: Shoring up a weak saving throw can be essential.
  • Savage Attacker: More consistent damage output can help over the long run.

C Tier (Specialized Prowess)

  • Actor, Athlete, Dungeon Delver, Durable, Elemental Adept, Heavily Armored, Lightly Armored, Martial Adept, Medium Armor Master, Moderately Armored, Performer, Ritual Caster, Skilled, Spell Sniper, Tavern Brawler, Weapon Master: Each of these feats provides benefits that cater to specific playstyles, or character concepts. They can be essential in the right context but might not be universally beneficial for all fighters.

Remember, brave champion, the best feat often depends on thy personal strategy, the challenges thou dost face, and the story thou wishes to weave. Always consult with your inner tactician!

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