Yesterday I got my hair cut and the morning after always tells the tale, doesn’t it? Like if it’s going to be a good cut depends entirely on how easy it is to fix it when you’re not in a beauty shop with fancy shampoos and balms and hairsprays and whatnot. And this was the easiest cut to fix that I’ve had in a while. It’s so very good to have a hair girl you can always trust.

Tonight we collected Angel Tree gifts at supper club at Joey and Anna’s house. There were only a few of us there thanks to viruses and the million engagements that steal folks away this time of year, but it was still a lot of fun. Anytime you can get a few people around a table with good food is fun, isn’t it?

P.S. My brother really really looks like Paul Walker.

It’s something I’ve always thought but now is apparent to everyone else since the poor guy was in that car accident. I’ve only ever seen one of his movies, but I’ve been screaming that he looks like Clark since She’s All That.
